I Love You, Man (2009)

November 29, 2009


Director: John Hamburg

Cast: Paul Rudd, Jason Segel, Rashida Jones

Ok hands up who is so fucking over the use of that term ‘Bromance’

I’m over it and I haven’t even heard it really. I’m just glad I don’t work in one of those places where people say that to me.

“Does anyone at your work ever ask you if you have a case of the Mondays?”

“No man. No. Probably get beaten up for saying something like that”

Anyway, the fact is, now that this word has been invented, Hollywood has caught on and graced us with a film honouring it.

Thank you Hollywood.

Thank you

Don’t get me wrong. I actually really enjoy watching movies from this group of guys. They were responsible for the likes of ‘Knocked up’ and ‘The Forty Year Old Virgin’, however that was when Judd Apatow was writing and directing them. He seems to have a nack for making successful movies.

When they go off on their own, the movies just don’t seem as polished (although I did like ‘Forgetting Sarah Marshall’).

This movie doesn’t do much to shift that trend. In fact, I don’t even know why this movie was even made other than to provide a seemingly hilarious insight into male bonding. There are the humorous parts but on the whole, this movie is a nothing movie. It’ll just pass you by.

Hang on – have I actually explained what this movie is about yet (Hmmmm [scrolling through what I have already written]).

No. I haven’t.


The movie is about a guy marrying his girlfriend but discovering he doesn’t really have any male mates that he could deem a best friend, or in this case, become his best man. So the movie is about him finding a friend.

Seems pretty boring and simple huh. It’s kind of a bit of both.

The other thing that is so so so so so so lame about this movie is the stupid ass movie poster. Look at it! Just look at it!

What the fuck is that guy in the front doing and then the other dude seems almost as if he is semi retarded. What is he doing with his hands?

Obviously I know what he is doing with his hands because I have seen the movie. Apparently he is ‘slappin’ the air bass. Fine. Ok. We don’t have to see him trying to do that in the poster. Then you have his biartch looking at him with rolling eyes.

Fuck off bitch

It looks stupid

Bad design. Bad, bad design.

They could have had him walking with his girlfriend in a park or some shit and had his mate staring longingly at him with a spare x-box controller or something.

Man. I’m good

I should design posters

Oh but yeah. Give this movie a pass unless you’re really keen to see it.

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